Q - How soon can you ship my order?

A - All orders whether UK or international will be posted within 24hrs, often we're able to get orders shipped the same day!


Q - How long is delivery for UK orders?

A - We have 2 different delivery options for UK orders:

Standard Delivery (3 working days) - £2.99

Express Delivery (next working day including Saturday) - £5.99

Please refer to Shipping for more information. 


Q - Do you offer returns?

A - On any brand new pairs - YES! Please refer to our Refunds / Returns for more information. 


Q - Can my order be shipped the same day?

A - Yes, please place your order by 12pm to guarantee same day shipping.


Q - Can I cancel my order?

A - As a business we want to ensure our customers receive their boots as quickly as possible, therefore we aim to ship all orders within 24hrs or even the same day. Due of this, we will only allow customers a 15 minute period to cancel their order after receiving their email order confirmation.